Moreton Bay Websites

WordPress Hosting SEA Package

Laptop and tablet websites

For SEA participants, Moreton Bay Websites has special pricing to help you get started easier. Self-Employment Assistance (SEA) replaced the New Business Assistance with New Enterprise Insentive Scheme (NEIS) in 2022.

We start with a single fee to get started and operate for the first 3 months.

After the first three months, the special SEA pricing continues for up to 2 years from the commencement of the SEA program.

At the end of the special pricing period, the hosting can change to one of the other WordPress Hosting Packages or change to a basic website hosting plan.

SEA Package

The SEA special package has 4 components:

SEA Special 1 – Setup Includes First Three Months

The SEA Special is based on the setup fee of the WordPress Hosting Starter Package. For the first three months, there are no normal monthly fees.

This applies to any add-on package while the SEA pricing is applied. For example, if adding the WooCommerce package 6 months later, the first three months are included in the WooCommerce setup fee.

SEA Special 2 – New Domain Name

Most SEA participants will need a domain name for their new website. If you don’t already have a domain name, a new domain name is included in the setup of your WordPress website.

You will need to be eligible for the domain name to be able to register it. Basically, you need your ABN and the domain name needs to be related to your business name.

SEA Special 3 – 25% Off Monthly Fees

After your first 3 months, the monthly fee is reduced by 25% while you are on the SEA package. The 25% discount applies to the WordPress Hosting Package and any additional package monthly fees.

The 25% reduction applies only to regular monthly fees, so for example they don’t apply to transaction based fees, additional web pages, or domain name renewals.

SEA Special 4 – Additional Content Page

The WordPress Hosting Packages include a set of standard pages and one or more additional content pages (depending on the package level).

SEA participants receive an additional content page at no additional cost.

Which Package Is For You?

You can Compare WordPress Hosting Packages to work out what may be best for you. Most will be able to use the Starter package, however, we can discuss your needs with you and recommend which package is best.

Contact Moreton Bay Websites with the form below to inquire about getting a WordPress Package for your website.

WordPress Hosting Package SEA
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